Thursday, June 25, 2009


One of the most basic axioms of conspiracy theory is that a newly elected President is taken into a secure room, handed a large book and told to read it in order to find out the real job requirements. Lest there be any confusion about “conspiracy theory,” please note that the definition of a conspiracy theorist is “someone who believes that undemocratic people are trying to influence events behind the scene.” If you don’t believe that, you are a foolish simpleton. We can argue over who they may be and how successful they may have been, but it should be obvious to anyone that those who are mentally ill behind money and power will do anything to feed their addiction.

Which brings us to our new President. Apparently, Barack Obama was initiated almost immediately after his election, because his first response to the economic crisis was to gather around him a group of “economic advisors” who were the very people who led us into the mess in the first place.

Now that he has been in office for a while, we have two choices: either he was lying to us during his campaign for office, or that “book” left him no choice but to renege on all of his promises. The second choice does allow for the possibility that his “initiation” convinced him that failure to continue with business as usual would lead to a catastrophe such that history would remember him as the Captain when the ship of state hit the iceberg and sank to the bottom. Recent interviews with Bernanke (on “60 minutes”) and Geithner (on PBS News) made it clear that they have been telling him that all along.

There is no doubt whatsoever, though, that he has reneged on all of his promises. If you bother to follow the news, you know I’m right. If you don’t, then you don’t deserve to live in a putative democracy.

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